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Obama has turned this country into a country of fear. Fear of offending, fear of beliefs and moral values. He has ripped this country apart from the very fibers which blanketed her in RED, WHITE and BLUE.

Mind you, this was no act done by one man alone but a man who followed in the footsteps of others and continued their work to bring America to her knees.

Obama has brought about a rise in racism, anti-cop crimes and terrorism like never before. America is at WAR, both abroad and from within.

I remember as a child saying the pledge to our countries flag, holding a moment of prayer, schools celebrated the holidays and we learned.... with open arms about other countries, other cultures.

We were a proud people, and we accepted others. The problem was, others did not accept us. They didn't like our country which stood for freedom, Americans proud and true. Called us "full of ourselves" when they were the ones unwilling to accept anything that was not them, not US.

I don't know where the first crack formed or when but since then as I grew from my youth well into adulthood, things have been stripped away. Things that were so sacred no one had a right to touch.

Our next president has a job like no other. They will go down in history as the president who stood up for America and the American people. One who took hold of a crumbling nation and built it back up.

They will be the president who stood up for our Founding Fathers dreams, our Constitution and the America way. They will chase away the fears which have been pushed down our throats demanding we obey!

There is only ONE person who can lead us forward! One among many who grip at the ropes of time. We can either vote for just any one in office again, or DEMAND and STAND unwavering to the task at hand.

It's time to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN and I will question anyone, who sits in that seat and plays Commander and Chief while letting the people of a nation down; talking over them not to them. Letting their own beliefs create change a nation does not want or need.

Our next president MUST be willing to listen to the voices of a nation and speak for us, not against us!

I believe that next president is Donald J. Trump.

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