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Welcome to Phase 4 of reopening. I'm proud of all of you. You worked hard to accept the situation we have all faced. Learned to cope with the struggles, devastation, and frustrations. Many of you found interesting and unique ways to adapt during times of social distancing, mask wearing, and a quarantine life. You've all just experienced in a "blink of an eye" only a portion of what those with rare conditions go through 365 days a year and failed.

As we move forward, back to your normal, daily routines, I want you to know it is very concerning to see how poorly government officials handled the #Covid-19 crisis. How a number of those who are suppose to lead took great advantage of your, our, the countries vulnerable state. All for a power grab, an overreach in demand for federal funding in some cases, threatening communities if they didn't get it #NewYork. Blaming everyone for their mistakes, abusing pressers, playing politics, infringing on Constitutional Rights even now. We've seen the frustration, anxiety, stress caused by states closing down, businesses not being allowed to open, and political play from governors and mayors allowing things to open that fit only their agenda and calling them "essential". While here we are in June of 2020 and not all essential places are open. A good example are churches, gyms. While hundreds, thousands protested across the country, churches were threatened if they opened, loved ones were not allowed to bury the dead, weddings put off. Gym's here in New York are still closed though they are a businesses communities count on for physical and mental health.

"This is far from over. While billions of people have survived either from not getting the covid virus or from recovery, millions have died. That fact alone, will haunt us all, in its own way."

I applaud those officials who worked so hard to resolve issues, stepped up and led this great nation to today. Where we are now, make no mistake, is because of those who came out of the shadows and into the light. Where we are now, is because of the scarifies you all made following safety guidelines recommended.

While we still face hard times ahead, I have no doubt we will see this health crisis through to the end. Our eyes have been opened and once you see something, you can never unsee it. "It is up to you, to now go forth knowing in all the knowledge you, we, the country gained that we are strong. We are resilient. We are America, and we are free. No virus can take that from us."

To live in fear is to not live at all. If you struggle with coping, even now as the nation reopens, call your doctor. They can set you up with a counselor who can help you through these hard times. You are not alone. Learning coping skills will help you deal with a vast number of situations not just a crisis like this. What you are feeling is normal.

Coping Tips

  • Remain calm

  • Think preventive and preparedness when it comes to supplies for any situation

  • You control your actions, not the actions of others

  • If you need help, whether you are sick or having trouble coping, contact your doctor

  • Only listen/watch credible news. Opinions are not facts. Recommendations are not laws.

  • Keep as close to your normal routine as any situation allows

  • Be flexible, adaptive, prepared for change

  • Stay active

  • Keep an open mind and positive mindset

  • Get plenty of rest. Rest keeps you alert

  • Ask questions. By asking questions you reduce stress (mental health)

  • Offer to help. Many find helping, helpful to their own needs

  • Unplug, when I say unplug I mean social media, news that are harmful. Things that spread hate, fear, division target a persons vulnerable state of mind.

Please keep in mind Phase 4 doesn't mean it is all over. Many areas are still in a state of emergency. Please remain calm. Keep in mind everyone is dealing with the same situation you are and everyone copes differently. Some people are naturally good at coping with crisis situations. Others are trained to deal with disasters and emergencies. However some people have an extremely hard time coping. These people are the most vulnerable.

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