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Twice now, Donald Trump leaves the press standing, and they're not liking it. First, during his visit to the White House and getting tours; then again on Tuesday night. One has to wonder what he's thinking. Let's face it, the press made their beds and now they don't like laying in them, so to speak. Feeling shunned, ignored, rejected by the new President Elect Donald J. Trump, the man they racked over the coals during the debates and the whole time during his campaign for the presidency, is it any wonder!

The press drew a line in the sand. They chose sides. During interviews with Donald Trump, he was repeatedly questioned about past actions, misquotes, and even accused of inciting violence at rallies.

While Hillary Clinton, was what some could only call pampered and delicately handled, even kept on point, almost like an elderly person who easily forgets and strays off topic.

One thing is clear, Donald Trump can't fire the media. These people are needed to keep the country informed. However, with the credibility of the press left in the mudd all for a good "headline and ratings", where does that leave the country and the new President Elect? Can the media be trusted to report openly, honestly about anything he does? It's not a matter as some suggested, "holding the new president accountable" during his reign. If so, why didn't the press hold the current president accountable for the rise in racism, division across the nation, and the attacks on our law enforcement? As well as in numerous speeches belittling and bullying the American people." Early today, we questioned the reports of a junior staff member asking for security clearance for Trump's children. Not only questioning if the story was true but what the difference and possible concerns were between Obama's children and Trump's children.

On November 16, 2016, This post was released out on @realDonaldTrump's twitter account:

Once again bringing to question the possibility of false reporting. That's all for now. We'll keep you up-to-date as things move forward between the President Elect and the press.

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