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Today, we're going to take you through the steps of growing a Mango Tree. We've already got a Dragon's Eye Tree, 5 Lemon Trees, and a Bean Tree and now we're planting a Mango seed.

Step #1 You'll need to pry open the mango pod with a butter knife. SAFETY ALERT: Kids, if you're doing this, I highly recommend you ask an adult for some help. The Mango pod can be difficult to open it's hard like a clam shell and we don't want anyone getting hurt. You're going to stick the butter knife into the mango pod at the end. This way you don't damage the seed inside. It's a pretty big seed. So only put the knife in 1/2 inch and twist. As you start twisting the pod will start to come loose. Once you get the pod started you can use your hands to open it the rest of the way. Step #2 Pull out the seed. (That's easy enough) Step #3 Place the seed flat in your soil, cover, then water. Be sure to place your newly planted mango seed in a warm lighted area. In about 2 weeks your seed will sprout.

Be sure to share you images with us as your mango trees grow. You can send them to...


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Photographer: Wendy Spickerman

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