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While looking into recent complaints against Medicaid Transportation crackdown, one has to ask why patients are being alienated from their doctors under a Trump presidenscy. Patients who do not drive due to health issues, cannot drive, or may not have a vehicle are being forced to use public transportation like city buses, which puts them at risk of exposure to other illnesses, as well as all the germs these buses breed. The complaint comes from patients, who normally would have a taxi take them, through medical services. We spoke with someone from Medical Transportion who claims this has always been the case. "If someone lives near a busline they are required to ride a bus to any appointments, unless deemed otherwise unfit." But that's not entiring true. In fact, we are being told this was due to a recent audit, which took place in Broome County, New York. "I know a patient with Stage 4 Cancer who was denied a taxi to their appointments and are being forced to take the public bus." - Source "One patient has had strokes, another prone to fainting. All being forced to take a bus instead of taxi because someone from Medicaid says their health issue does not apply, for requiring a taxi." - Source "Patients are complaining, they can't get to their doctor's not even with the required forms filled out by their doctors to request this accommodation." - Source That's not the only hurdle patients face. Doctor's are becoming more and more unwilling to fill out forms needed by Medicaid, claiming it's simply "out of control". "You fill out a form for a patient and you're told it's not good enough. I'm a doctor. How is your judegement over- ruling my decission as a medical professional." Forget about "YOU CAN KEEP YOUR DOCTOR" which Obama promised. Now "Patients can't even GET to their doctor", under Trump.

Not everyone has a vehicle or someone who can drive them. The taxi service which Medicaid can provide but denies, expose these patients who are already ill and dealing with so much already, to take a bus filled with coughing people, loud sounds, and sometimes no seats.

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