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Kim Jong Un of North Korea backs down after missile threat. After hearing North Korea had missiles capable of reaching the United States, there was a growing concern for Guam, whom North Korea had in its sight.

Many attacked President Trump's strong stance claiming...

"Trump Wants War To Raise Low Polls"

"President Trump, Dangerous and Reckless"

Cries for impeachment by the left once again went out across social media, calling President Trump "unstable" and a "unpredictable narcissist". However, a recent poll shows the American people had every confident President Trump was the Right President at the Right Time to carry out any necessary means to deal with a missile threat.

Earlier today, President Trump tweeted...

"Kim Jong Un of North Korea made a very wise and well reasoned decision. The alternative would have been catastrophic and unacceptable!" Others blamed Former President, Obama for his lack of strength as a president giving North Korea the notion such a threat against Guam would go unchallenged.

You might not like President Trump's blunt straightforward remarks, but he is who Americans voted into office. Democrats and national media paint the president in a poor light every chance they get. Hoping to bring Trump supporters over to their side, but this is one tactic that never seems to work. Instead, they paint themselves in the worst light possible as anti-Trump haters, racists, sexist villains trying to bring down a nation. My advice, because they really need it to have any chance come 2020 Election...

Let President Trump have his administration tea. Stop attacking every word he says and every action his does. Show that you are trying to work with him.

This doesn't give you a chance in hell against him in 2020 but you at least won't look like idiots to the American people anymore and some of you might actually keep your doctors. Did I say doctors, I meant jobs!

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