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As if the holidays weren't stressful enough, for some, they are even worse due to conditions like tinnitus and hyperacusis. People with these conditions often experience a lot of pain and discomfort. They can feel isolated, unheard, even neglected by the medical profession. While tinnitus and hyperacusis have no known cure, patients are left trying to manage these under researched conditions the best they can. Often the body can feel left in a hyperstate due to the fight or flight reflex constantly charged. That's where cognitive therapy as well as other forms of treatment fall into play.

Mind you, treatment does not mean cure. Numerous treatments are there to help minimize symptoms such as poor sleep, anxiety, depression, pain, even symptoms of vertigo, migraines, nausea, imbalance issues, concentration issues, and all these things can interfere with one's daily life. These treats are there to help patients accept, cope, and adapt in the world.

Cognitive therapy is there to help patients regain control of their body. All those signals going to the brain from our five senses can get a little bit messed up, confusing, exhausting. Depending on which condition you're seeking help with or both, cognitive therapy can vary.

UHS Sleep and Neurodiagnostics Center

5 Helpful Exercises Through Cognitive Therapy

Breathing Techniques

These relax and calm us. You don't have to count from 10 backwards just breath, focus on the breathing. Inhale, exhale...

Finding an Activity

Whether it be listening to music, going for a walk, gardening, painting, doing something you enjoy takes the focus off the pain, discomfort, anxiety and places it on something positive. This helps balance all those hormones flowing.

Tai Chi or Yoga

Gain control of your senses and body once again. The movements make you aware of your body as a whole, not just my head, ears, neck, my stomach due to symptoms that might be brought on when your tinnitus or hyperacusis spikes.


Keeping a journal helps one express themselves. Whether you are ranting or raving let those emotions out. When our emotions get built up this causes anxiety, depression, high blood pressure even, all of which can effect your tinnitus and hyperacusis.

Reading Exercises

If you are having a problem focusing, concentrating, recalling, or just comprehending what you read or write it's recommended you do reading exercises. Start off small with one or two paragraphs. Use a piece of paper if need be so you don't lose your place. Write side notes on what you just read to help you recall. Try to notice were the confusion starts and what caused it. This is a repetition exercise to help retrain your brain.

note: If you liked this article please subscribe, share, comment. There will be a follow-up piece coming in the New Year with more information you might find helpful.

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