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UE High School Student has Close Call

Early Monday, May 21, 2018, a UE High School Student, failed to STOP, LOOK, and LISTEN before crossing the street on a skateboard and has close call with morning traffic. While the driver in question was going the speed limit, the student in question, failed to take into account as stated by an eye-witness of the incident,

"There was a vehicle parked close to the corner by the intersection that blocked even my view. We were both crossing at the same time. I was on the opposite side of the street, crossing in the same direction, at the same intersection. I stopped to look for traffic, but the student did not and went right out into traffic. The vehicle was not even two foot away from them. The driver hit their breaks. It looked like the student either just didn't care or head earbuds in because the incident didn't even phase them. Myself and the driver shook our heads in shock, it was that close of a call.".

Kids tend to have an immortal complex. It's not because they believe nothing can happen to them. It's more of an out of sight out of mind thing. It hasn't happened therefore it's not something they think about.

The incident took place on the corner of Park St. and Lincoln Ave. thankfully no one was hurt. The safest way to cross the street if using a skateboard would be to stop, pick the skateboard up, and look both ways before crossing. Once safely across begin riding on the sidewalk again.


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