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Springtime Public Safety

With springtime here, everything is turning green. Blossoms are in bloom even the trees and bushes are coming to life.

Suddenly, people start sneezing, their eyes burn and water, throats become scratchy, you might even lose your voice or have breathing difficulties.

We can’t control wants planted in our communities, but you can do something about the level of exposure you face when it comes to allergies.

A good rule of thumb is...

Try to avoid anything you know you are allergic, all together.

However, what wasn’t there one year might suddenly be there the next.

People love to plant things.

If you notice there is something in the line of your path, no matter how pretty it is…

You can #1 Turn back and go another way #2 Walk on the opposite side of the street.

By walking on the opposite side of the street you can reduce exposure.

If you ever have trouble breathing seek immediate medical help.

While our sidewalks are there to enjoy, sometimes safety issues can arise. By following these simple steps you can make your springtime experience enjoyable again.

You can also join a neighborhood group or sit in a town meeting, these are common places community beautification talks come into play and you’ll have a heads up on what’s coming to a neighborhood near you.

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