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Trump family witch hunt continues

It's no surprise that another Trump family member is now under attack by national media. This witch hunt, started from Day 1, when Donald J. Trump announced he was going to run for the United States presidency.

Since then we've seen Ivanka Trump, attacked for wearing her own clothing design, Barron Trump, criticized for taking a photo, and now Donald Trump Jr makes headlines for collusion with the Russians. Something still yet to be proven with evidence as to how Donald J. Trump won the presidency. We've seen social media attacks on the Trump's because of their wealth saying, 'Donald Trump couldn't possibly stand for the average American, when his children were born with a silverspoon in their mouths." People questioned Barron's health making accusations during the Trump campaign. Even Melania Trump, has been under fire for staying away from the White House as long as she had.

Let's face it, I'm going to say it,

'If it were OBAMA'S FAMILY..."

This would all be ruled out as racist, hate speech, and someone trying to overtake the government from the president. But, because it's Donald J. Trump, the man who won the Presidential Election on a logo, "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN' he could not possible have won the election from the backing of a country and its people. This stuff isn't just laughable anymore, but downright disgraceful, disgusting behavior from a group of people who wanted America to spin out of control and possibly fall to a foreign reign. All the signs were there.

Obama, criticized people for spreading fear during his reign. He called it irresponsible. However, that's all the Dems seem to be able to do, is spread fear across the country.

We've all seen the historical hysteria that raged when Hillary Clinton lost to Donald J. Trump. We've even witnessed Dems having a meltdown tantrum in Congress.

The fact is... If we are going to truly talk about collusion against the 2016 Election lets bring ALL the player to the field and have a REAL INVESTIGATION, not this joke of a media circus. Until that happens, America will never take the media serious about President Trump because he was treated so unfairly from the start. That have literally soon themselves to have no ethical judgement, everything is done for a headline NOT the seeking of Truth and JUSTICE for all. And because media fans the flame of hate speech which they refer to as 'free speech" and "freedom of the press" people are looking for those who write the truth, report the truth and cover the truth... elsewhere.

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