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School open even after Mayor requested not to open

UE School District opened its doors on Thursday, March 16, 2017, after Broome County gets hit with historic storm. In a message to parents, the Union Endicott School District informed parents of a two-hour delay, requested parents did not drive students in due to road conditions and the need for buses to get through. With poor roadways and many area sidewalks going untouched or unpassable, due to being blocked off still covered in nearly 3 feet of snow, the school cautioned students to be very very careful walking to school. So why open at all in such conditions, that's one of many questions asked. After getting in touch with Mayor Bertoni's office citing:

(1) Sidewalks untouched, still covered with 3 feet of snow.

(2) Areas where sidewalks were shoveled, left no way to get onto the sidewalks, blocked off.

(3) Fire hydrants were encompassed by piles of snow, blocking one from getting to them, though the hydrants were cleaned off.

(4) Roadways still a mess in the Village and the school asked parents not to drive students into school due to the roads.

(5) School message stressed students should be very very careful coming into school because of the conditions. Which put children at risk walking in the streets to get to school.

I was informed, "The National Guard is at present shoveling out Village of Endicott and Town of Union fire hydrants which is our first priority. Sidewalks are the responsibility of the individual home owner, if anyone has a problem with an individual, please let the Code Department know of the specific address. The Union Endicott School District makes their own decision on whether to open or close schools on their own. Mayor Bertoni had requested not to have school today, but again we are not in charge of the decision making process." Spokesperson from the Mayor's Office

And for those unaware, "The Village Street Department is continuing to plow and sand the roads and also pick up the garbage for the week."

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