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Happy 4th of July America

Today, we want to wish, every American a Happy 4th of July. This is an important day in history. A day that may be the last of many freedoms, we as Americans have had; some might even say we have taken for granted. This time next year, we will have a new president, one who thinks not of this great nation, or its people but for a cause much different. That is way, it is so important, every American realizes TODAY, just what INDEPENDENCE means, and FREEDOM. The right to free speech, the right to bear arms, the right to our own beliefs. It is these very freedoms that are being threatened, here and now. This time next year, you might be forced to wear something you do not believe you should have to wear. Speak things, you do not believe you should speak. And have ungodly things done to you, your children, and your children's children. It is but a spark right now but the flames of this inferno will blow mighty across the lands if it is not put out now. America, might not be so free tomorrow. How many lives must be lost before a generation, takes a stand and demands "NO MORE" for we are FREE! We will not be governed by those who wish to surppress us. We will not sit by and watch our country be taken from us. Invaded like a swarm of bees. We will not let one person sit, in that seat, in the White House ever again, who acts against this great nation and against its people. Spitting on America, as the current sitting president has done. Shaming a nation worldwide. This 4th of July, cry out in the name of freedom! And stand tall for the rights of which have been given to us by so many who have died. Vote this November for a person who will protect America, who will protect its people, and protect our Constitution. Vote Donald J. Trump into the White House. Vote for FREEDOM! Vote for your INDEPENDENCE! For tomorrow is not promised, we MUST fight every day for our freedoms and our children's freedom. Enjoy yourselves this 4th of July, and pledge there will be many more ahead of this great nation.

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