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Informed Press Release

When it comes to terrorism, I have tried to sympathize with those who come to America seeking a better life.

However, the safety and security of not only a NATION but its PEOPLE, MUST always come first or we fail to protect the very freedoms of which many seek.

No group, no matter the numbers, should ever seek to undo a nation for their own again. Be it race, sex or religion.

It is a disgrace to hear our current sitting President, degrade and scold Americans for wanting him to do as any nation's ruler should and that is protect the lives of those he governs over. Terrorism is not on the horizon of which we can afford to view from a safe distance. Terrorism is here, within, on U.S. soil and we MUST act. Not through gun control laws but through the removal of those who seek to take lives and cripple a nation.


Editor: Wendy Spickerman

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