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Top 5 Reasons You Should Go To Town Meetings

If you've never been to a town meeting before ask yourself why? Do you think they are boring, unimportant, or a waste of time? If so, you might be under a false impression of just what happens at town meeting.

On April 20, 2016, we stopped in on a local Town of Union Meeting and here's what we found.

Top 5 Reasons You Should Go To Town Meetings

  1. How can anything be unimportant that affects where YOU live.

  2. Boring, is not one of them. In fact, you might just find yourself laughing at some of the goings on at the town meeting.

  3. It's a place to voice your concerns about where YOU live.

  4. You'll not only meet other community members, but you'll find others may just have the same concerns as you.

  5. The most important reason to go, going to a Town Meeting puts YOU on speaking terms with those who run and manage the community you live in.

One of the top reasons that might be stopping you from going to a town meeting might just be "fear". That's right, fear! The fear of the unknown has a way of stopping us in our tracks.

If you don't know where your towns meetings are held, you can always look on the town website. They are usually posted there and held in the main town halls or municipal buildings. It will also have a list of dates for the meetings and times.

The next step is to just show up. BOTH Town Meetings and Work Sessions are open to the public. That means, anyone can go. You don't pay anything, you're not required to speak but if you'd like a chance to speak, you'll get your chance when the 'visitor hearings' come up on the agenda that night, and/or during one of the 'work sessions'.

Work Sessions are held earlier, before the actual town meeting. Community members are encouraged to speak. In fact, the more community members the merrier.

Wendy Spickerman ‏@wspickerman

I was invited back for one of the 'work sessions' where Robert Mack stated, "That's where we really get great discussion, talking things out."

What To Expect At A Town Meeting

Community members may voice concerns on a variety of topics. Anything from lighting around the community and roadways to slumlord properties, dangerous crossings, park and recreational needs as well as many, many, more.

We hope this article encourages you to get involved and speak out about what is happening in your community.

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