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April 20th Town of Union Meeting

If you've never been to a town meeting before you're in luck, Journalist Wendy Spickerman took the time to sit in on one of the meetings for the Town of Union and provides a first hand account of the experience.

The first thing one needs to do is find out where the town meeting is be held. This was easily done by checking the town website for location, dates and times.

Next, you'll want to show up about 15 minutes earlier than what the meeting is scheduled. If the rooms crowded, you'll want to get a good seat. Plan on speaking, trying sitting close to the mic. Also, if you think you might be called away be considerate and sit near the door as to not disrupt talks.

Last nights, Town of Union Meeting had a small group of people though Councilman Mack stated they can get anywhere to 30 people showing up, sometimes more. When asked he average age group of those who show for town meetings Councilman Mack replied,

"It's usually older member in the community who come. We do get school students who come throughout the year, as it's part of their senior requirements."

"Most don't know what happens at town meeting never having been before. Some are afraid they might have to speak, others uncertain what issues are covered."

Last night's group fell roughly over the age of 47 and older. Two members of the community left earlier after finding out one of the issues they were there for would not be getting covered until mid May, the reason, more information was being gathered.

During the visitors hearing, those in the community have a chance to approach the mic one at a time to voice their concerns. During the April 20th Town Meeting, concerns voiced where due to large vehicles turning on a road making it unsafe for the public. Something that was being voiced a second possibly third time, as things were already put into motion by the council to make changes.

Other complaints had to do with some housing issues, rundown homes, and unsightly property care, as well as trespassing issues and safety.

Board members showed concern during last night's meeting over voiced complaints and described in detail the steps already taken, those put into place, as well as possible steps to come.

Sitting in on last night's Town of Union meeting was the Mayor of Endicott, who showed up for an issue involving lighting on roadways which involved talks between the Town Council and DOT.

#Endicott Mayor John R. Bertoni, showed up for tonight's #TownofUnion town meeting.

9:35 PM - 20 Apr 2016

Thomas Augostini, discussed ongoing issue with lighting, responsibilities that once fell to the Town of Union but have since turn over to the DOT.

"Some issues need to be cleared up with the lighting then we, 'Town of Union' are willing to consider ongoing talks with DOT" - Augostini

9:42 PM - 20 Apr 2016

Special Announcements

Robert Mack, one of the town council members announced July 4th theme will be a "Heart Safe Community" this year. #TownofUnion

Celebrations will once again take part at #highlandpark on #July4th where they will teach basic #CPR, it will start 10 a.m.

Last night's meeting was anything but boring. Some of the issues though serious where amusing some would say, as town members described in detail what was happening, one couldn't help but laugh. Mind you, ALL matters are taken serious.

As a member of the community, maybe you just don't feel compelled to be apart of community meetings but that's what they are "meetings" for the community; a place for everyone to brings issues to the forefront that are happening right where you live, your children grow-up, and go the school.

If you take anything away from this article, we hope you take away the importance of your own voice, the very concerns within you, that you feel you have no control over yet see happening time and time again. Why not stop into your towns next board meeting, town meeting. Take a friend or two with you, family members. Be apart of the community not just live and work there but be a voice that shapes the environment around you, your family, your friends.

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