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Women's Health: Start Your Day Right

Good morning and welcome to November. I know a lot of us rush around in the morning. How many of you head-out the door without eating breakfast? We've all done it from time to time but has it become a habit which affects your life? This morning, I jumped out of bed grabbed a glass from the cupboard and poured myself a glass of orange juice. I then raided the refrigerator eggs, salad mix, cottage cheese and made this delicious egg salad breakfast you see in today's photo. Usually, I do like to add a small portion of apple sauce as well but sleepy me found I was out. So the first chore of the day is my grocery list.

Memo to me "Pick up Apple Sauce".

Not everyone can be a morning person like myself and there are days even I, feel a bit sluggish upon waking. Breakfast is such an important meal that I'd say if you had to miss a meal at all make it lunch. Eating breakfast keeps one alert, energized and productive throughout their day. I also find that people tend to be more moody when they don't eat breakfast. So, grab a bowl of cereal. make a hot ham and cheese breakfast sandwich or fry up some eggs! Something this simply can put a smile on everyone's face. Share your breakfast ideas with us here on INFORMED. Just send a photo, your name, location and tell us all about it in 300 words or less and we might sure it here. Or get creative and make a breakfast video. Send all entries to:

Breakfast Salad
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